Review of Hövding
- I have been a Hövding user for the last 2 years.
- Hövding has no influence on this review
Which need is Hövding solving?
It provides increased safety to cyclists... compared to wearing a helmet
How is Hövding solving the need?
They are providing a better way of covering the head against impact if the person falls off the bike.
What is Hövding providing to solve the need?
It provides an electronic airbag for urban cyclists.
The airbag is stored on a pouch around your neck together with a motion sensor.
When you need it, the sensor pops the bag open and it protects you.
The Usability of Hövding
- It is easy to put on and activate/deactivate.
- You can tell its status when you activate it or deactivate it: you can see a green light or hear a beep, the latter better when ridding.
- When it needs charging, it tells you with time so you can charge it.
- It charges like a phone.
The UX of Hövding
- You feel safer... Because you saw the TED video and read the studies.
- Your hair doesn’t get messed up, like it does with a helmet.
- During winter you can wear a hat and not be cold (but too hot for a scarf)
- During summer, your necks is boiling, but not too bad, similar to the helmet.
- But....
The Dark Side of Hövding
- Last summer, while biking in Berlin a torrential rain started. Really heavy. Beforehand, it was sunny, afterwards, sunny and rainbows. But I needed to bike during the rain, like others who were wearing helmets, but I had my Hövding.
Unbeknownts to me, Hövding stopped working sometime during my ride. Thankfully, I did not have an accident as I was not protected. I got a replacement Hövding.
- Last week, I am riding my bike and I hear a loud and awful beep coming from my Hövding. I stopped and deactivate it. I am far from home. Connected it again, no sound. I rode without protection, got home and charged it. Green lights. Test it, it worked. Try to use it for next ride, awful sound again, red light. And then no more life. Hövding is dead again.
When you are providing safety, 1% fail rate is not good!
- A helmet might be less safe than Hövding, but it is active 100% of the time!
- What is the point of having the best safety measures when I can not use it in the second that my life is in danger?
- The helmet does not stop working midway during your ride. And you don’t need a replacement helmet in case one stops working.
- When you are riding, there is no way of knowing if it is active. Only when you activate it or de-activate it.
- Great engineering and science behind it.
- But it does not solve the need it is targeting.
- 🤮🤮🤮
Three too much mezcal.
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